Friday, December 31, 2021

Fun morning!

This morning Gracie-Mae and I were riding in the car.  Out of the blue she said I love Jesus.  Do you love Jesus Mommy?  Grayson loves Jesus and Daddy loves Jesus.  Gracie-Mae loves Jesus.  Does Jesus love me?  I said yes!  I took her to Justice for the first time and she had a blast!  She walked in heard the music, put her hands up and started squatting.  She is so cute!

My Birthday

 Last night Jeff and Grayson went to see Spiderman.  Gracie-Mae and I were able to have girl's night.  We made dinner, made a music video and watched movies.  She said I'm so excited to have girl's night!  We must jump on the bed and have a pillow fight and we did!  Gracie-Mae was so excited to wake up and have my birthday.  She wanted to bring me breakfast in bed on a tray with flowers.  She said she would wake me up by singing happy birthday and jumping and she did!  

After that she ran downstairs and decorated the room with her toys and said welcome to your unicorn party!!  The whole day was that way.  She did any little thing she could to make my day special.  So sweet.  

Jeff did as well.  He went out of his way to make my day special.

I feel so loved!!